What is a Banner Raid?


A banner raid is where a group of Toastmasters from the same club visits the meeting of another club. The prize of the raid? Walking out of the meeting with the club’s banner! 


  1. Original wave party: five members of the same club.
  2. In good taste, the raid may either be pre-determined or a surprise ambush.
  3. Costumes (i.e. bandit bandannas, pirate hats) are optional.
  4. To retrieve the banner, the raided club must assemble five members to attend the meeting of the raider’s club and raid back their banner.
  5. To up the ante, the raided club may bring TEN members. In doing so, not only do they reclaim their own banner, but they also get to raid the other club’s banner!


  • Visit other clubs, step outside your comfort zone, learn about their nuances, and have the opportunity to share best practices.
  • Build a sense of camaraderie between clubs.
  • It’s fun!