Club Executives (2020 – 2021)

President – Rick Hancock

Vice President Education – Vivien Ip

IMG-20190623-WA0002Vivien joined Toastmasters in the fall of 2009 to overcome her shyness and build her self confidence. Over a decade later, she has a varied Toastmasters repertoire, including serving in various years as President, VP of Education and Treasurer of her multiple Toastmaster clubs. As a Charter Member of Finding Vino Toastmasters, Vivien was intrigued to combine her love of Toastmasters with the opportunity to learn all about wine.

Vice President Membership – Alex Welland

20190701_174717Alex joined Toastmasters in January 2019 to improve his presentation skills and jumped at the opportunity to be on the executive as the Sergeant-at-Arms. Intrigued by the unique format of combining speeches and wine tasting, he chose Finding Vino Toastmasters to be his first Toastmasters club.


Vice President of Public Relations – Kristy Bekar

Secretary – Bev Young

notaselfieBev joined Toastmasters in the fall of 2015 to improve her confidence and skills presenting to an audience. She jumped in by enrolling in the Speechcraft program twice, (a fast-track to completing the CC manual), and has made tremendous strides. She finds the unique concept of Finding Vino, combining food, wine and public speaking, a fun way to gain speaking and leadership skills in a supportive environment among friends.

Treasurer – Monica Neville

Sergeant-At-Arms – Matt Kane