Club Executives (2018 – 2019)

President – Ilan Zvikler

Ilanllan joined Toastmasters in 2010 to overcome his fear of talking in public or even in small groups. He is now working on the advanced manuals and has become vastly more confident giving speeches and in performing leadership roles. He has come a long way and still has a long way to go. Toastmasters is definitely a wonderful program that he will be committed to for years to come. He came to Finding Vino with minimal wine knowledge and really enjoys learning something new at each meeting and especially the food pairings. He is past president for White Rock Toastmasters and has also been secretary and Sergeant At Arms for two years. Ilan has also been Area Director and is working to complete his DTM this year.

Vice President Education – Carole Bertrand

Carole joined Toastmasters in 2017 After attending an open house. Carole was taken by the fun atmosphere of the group. The idea of Learning to conquer her fear of public speaking , Improve her leadership skills, and learn about wine seemed like a perfect trifecta.

Vice President Membership – Peter Landovskis

Peter joined Toastmasters in February 2018 to improve his leadership skills and to learn how better to organize his speeches. He picked Finding Vino Toastmasters because of his personal interest in wine and it has turned out to be a good choice. He found that the members are a great group of people who make the evening fun, are experienced speakers who provide constructive evaluations as well as delivering highly crafted speeches that he can learn from. Throw in the fact that one of the speeches is about wine – what more could you ask for. He is excited about his new role as VP Membership and the opportunity to meet new guests and to tell them about Finding Vino

Vice President of Public Relations – Bev Young

notaselfieBev joined Toastmasters in the fall of 2015 to improve her confidence and skill at presenting to an audience. She jumped in by enrolling in the Speechcraft program twice, a fast-track to completing the CC manual, and has made tremendous strides. She finds the unique concept of Finding Vino, combining food, wine and public speaking, a fun way to gain speaking and leadership skills in a supportive environment among friends.  She is looking forward to the role of Public Relations to further advance her own leadership skills and to help Finding Vino to gain momentum as a club.

Secretary – Shammy Ramasamy

Shammy had heard many great things about Toastmasters and it was by chance that she spoke to a member of the Finding Vino Club. She visited the club, drank wine, socialised, learned public speaking tidbits and just had to become a member of the club. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to learn how to deliver her speeches and presentations in a more impactful way, while learning more about wine. She joined Finding Vino in October 2016 and is excited to give back to this club in her executive role as Secretary.

Treasurer – Monica Neville

Sergeant At Arms – Nathan Hutchinson


Nathan has been in Toastmasters since January 2016. Since joining, he has acted as VP of Public Relations and Sergeant at Arms for Finding Vino. He has completed his CC manual and two Advanced Manuals, finished two speech craft programs, participated in several contests, including the 2016 Humour Contest in which he won first place in the District. As a result of his commitment, he received the Standing Ovation Cup for Rookie of the Year at Finding Vino. Nathan originally joined to increase his confidence, and to simply challenge the primal fear of public speaking while in a safe and supportive environment, hoping to benefit his communication abilities on stage and off. Participating in club meetings and events has provided him with many opportunities to challenge and expand his capabilities. Nathan invites you to attend a meeting and find out how you too can benefit!